Friday, January 10, 2014

First Practice!

It's time to get your skis on!  We will have our first practice on Monday January 13th from 3:45 - 5:00pm.

Some logistics -
Please park in the back of the lot behind Believers Fellowship Church (this will be closest to the ski trail).  It would be great if the kids can arrive dressed and ready to go.  If anyone needs to go inside and change, we will be using the basement for that purpose.

Each week we will all meet as a big group at 3:50 for a group warm-up.  The warm-up area is behind the parking lot out in the driving range.  Follow the ski trail down a slight hill for about 50 yards; look for all the kids with skis on.  After the warm-up we will announce the groups and break out to ski with our instructors. We will be back at the church and head inside for a snack shortly before 5:00.

Parents of Polar Bears (the youngest group, typically 4-6 year-olds) should help them get their skis on and off.  You may want to walk them down to the the warm-up area the first time.  You are welcome to join your child for the entire practice.  Other parents - you may join us for the warm-up each week if you like. Sometimes there will be announcements about upcoming practices, etc (I will try to post that info on the blog, too).

And a few housekeeping notes -
Please be gracious guests at the church; try not to track snow and dirt inside.  Stay out of the sanctuary (the room with the pews) and office rooms.  There will be a snack provided at the end of each practice.

The snow looked pretty good on Friday.  Hopefully this thaw doesn't change things too much.
Thanks for joining our club... we're excited to meet you all on skis.

- The Coaches

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