Thursday, March 19, 2020

Return gear to Dan when convenient

Thanks for another great season of Nordic skiing.  I was hoping that we might get another chance to ski in March, but that does not look likely.  Unless you have a trip planned up north, you should think about returning your gear.  Please drop it off in my garage (S 3746 Bakkom Rd) as I am storing all the gear at my house.

I understand we are adjusting to big changes in our lives with the virus event, so there is no rush.

Thanks again.  I'm already looking forward to skiing next winter.
Coach Dan

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Too soft, too slow

There is still some snow in the valley, but it would be too soft, too sucky and too slow to be enjoyable.
No practice Monday.

It could get cold and snow again, and I would be happy to groom if that happens.

When you are ready to return your gear, call/text me at 485-0876
Or drop it off at 3746 Bakkom Rd