Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cook Out Monday

We will have a cook-out on Monday.  I will bring hot dogs, buns, ketchup & mustard.  I will also bring s'mores fixings.  You should bring something to drink.  You can bring another dish if you want, but you really don't need to.  It would be great if one or two parents can keep the fire going and start cooking the hot dogs around 4:45.

I groomed Saturday morning before it got too warm.  Please stay off the trails when it is too warm and you are leaving ruts.  It should be really good skiing Sunday morning.  I hope you can get out.

Monday will be our last official practice.  If we still have snow after that, we can have a few more practices. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Weather coming on Monday

There is supposed to be snow coming in Monday afternoon, so keep an eye on the weather and the road conditions. 

I am going to try to make it down for practice, even if school has an early dismissal.  But, it's your call...

The skiing was really good today.  Saw a few other tracks out there.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Fresh tracks

The new snow groomed up nicely this morning.  It should be good skiing on Sunday; I hope you can get out.  Please try to stay off the trail when it is above freezing and you make deep ruts.

Sounds like more snow on the way on Monday.  We might have to break track, but we will enjoy having more snow.  Don't forget your costume.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Costume Day

Monday is Costume Day!  Everyone can wear a fun costume that you can ski in. 
The weather should be good and the trails should be firmed up and freshly groomed.

Giant Snow Cootie spotted at Timber Coulee

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Enjoy the weekend

The trails were groomed Friday morning, and should hold up for practice on Monday.
The big unknown is how much foot traffic will be out there this weekend.  It will too warm to groom again until the temps cool off.
Try to ski early on Sunday before the snow gets too soft.