Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hazardous Weather Outlook

I'm afraid that we lost a bunch of snow today and will lose more tomorrow.  I can't guarantee that we will be able to ski Monday afternoon.  Best to bring some jogging shoes/snow boots as a back-up plan.  See you tomorrow!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Last Practice

Monday will be our last practice this year.  There should (hopefully) be enough snow left to groom some trails on the driving range. 

Nobody contacted me to help with a potluck.  So, if you want to bring something to eat outside after practice, that would be fine.  We can hang out and do some heavy snacking and talk story.  Should be a warm afternoon.

It might be an option to move the program back to Snowflake next year.  If you have any thoughts about the two venues (Viroqua Golf Course vs Snowflake) please share them with me.  I would probably prefer to stay in Viroqua, especially if we could find a little better meeting place.  Maybe there is another location you know of?  Also, a heads-up that I will be looking for more parent involvement in the administration of the Club next year.
